Wednesday 21 December 2016

The Year of the English Language

У відповідь на наказ президента України про оголошення поточного року роком англійської мови та з метою популяризації вивчення англійської мови у стінах навчального закладу були проведені наступні заходи: позакласні заходи та відкриті уроки за календарно-тематичним плануванням; роз’яснювальні бесіди та презентації щодо популяризації мови та мотивації до її свідомого вивчення.
Протягом року учнів та вчителів школи було проінформовано про існуючі можливості вивчення мови самостійно. В період літнього табору в школі працювала літня мовна група. Діти з задоволенням відвідували цікаві нестандартні уроки, де вони мали змогу проявити себе та в ігровій формі навчитися багато нового. Для мотивування, протягом року проводилися презентації фільмів та мультфільмів англійською мовою.
Популярне в англомовних країнах свято Helloween принесло дітям багато задоволення, адже вони мали можливість нібито побувати за кордоном. Деякі учні зголосилися взяти участь в мовному конкурсі Гринвіч. В рамках районного плану проведення семінарів, в нашій школі пройшов англомовний семінар-практикум для вчителів англійської мови району.

З метою впровадження інтерактивних, інноваційних методів навчання протягом року учням в якості позакласної роботи давалося завдання зняти відеоролики на різноманітну тематику з озвучуванням на англійській мові. В школі було проведено шкільний етап олімпіади, а найкращі учні поїхали на районну олімпіаду. 

Thursday 24 November 2016

Never being happier than that

       When I was told to be the one to lead the upcoming seminar, I could not believe my ears. Scared but satisfied, because it was to be the chance to show myself. Therefore, everything was set and done. My decision was to bring more Englishness to a usual seminar, so all the presentations, videos and speeches were prepared in English. 
    The comments of the participants were the following: “it was fantastic to comprehend a nice English pronunciation and to be able to speak the language we were qualified to be teachers of”.

Thursday 23 June 2016

Results of the language group

Report on the 2015-2016 language group, The Mykolaivka school
According to the order of the District Education Department, the Mykolayivka school held classes in the summer language group. The purpose of such groups is to popularize English among young people. The camp work involved different methods of working with children than when at the lessons, namely the lion's share of time should be allocated to the game. Therefore, teaching English was also conducted mainly in the form of the game. So everything was done to ensure that as many children as possible were interested in learning, because as you know the world is known in the game.
Lessons were conducted according to the certified and compiled plan (Appendix 1). According to the school order there were created two groups of children fifteen people each. 9:45 - 10:45 first group, 10:45 - 11:45 – the second. Almost all students faithfully attended English classes, proving the desire to learn.
Children were given a chance to watch cartoons and movies in English, to play a variety of games indoors and outdoors. Interesting to be occurred a seminar on comparative typology of English and Ukrainian «Let us popularize the language», children summed up the similarity of the languages, and even concluded that English grammar is much easier than the Ukrainian one.
It was relevant to the present for children to have a tour to the ICT room where they were able to clearly learn the parts of a PC, commands, functions, and description of the keys.
Interesting and informative it was to get to know the translations of some familiar Anglicisms and Americanisms such as eg. boiler, arm-wrestling, printer, scanner, or even football.

Summing up this year's campaign, we can say that the high-level goal has been achieved: children happily attended classes that took them involved. They studied a lot, which will be useful in further learning.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

The Day of the English Language

June 21 - the day of English. So now children can plunge into the world of lingual ocean. In a prepared presentation children were given the opportunity to compare the examples of grammatical and lexical structures of the English and the Ukrainian languages. It was interesting for children to know that what ever different at first glance the languages are, they still have much  in common: the similarity of grammar, vocabulary, phonetics. At the end children watched cartoons in the English translation. Kids got a lot of pleasure.

Friday 17 June 2016

Watching cartoons in English

"The Brave" - an interesting cartoon about a little princess who never wanted to be married in tradition, but in love. She fought bravely to be free to choose.  Her wish made some things go wrong, unfortunately, though her being so brave never failed to put things in order. They lived happily ever after. 
Can a cartoon of this kind be of no interested for children? I doubt!

Wednesday 15 June 2016


   The present requires us to use ICT. At the classes of English it is appropriate to use a variety of educational computer programs that provide multi-level training of students. Today, children exercised grammar on the computer. Round Up - is a program developed by Oxford and is intended to consolidate the grammatical, lexical and phonetic skills. All children are left satisfied.

Monday 13 June 2016

We move on!

  Junior detachment are even in sultry summer days still eager to replenish their knowledge of English. So, today, children are happy to have studied new and repeated old. Because English is so interesting and fashionable! They repeated the use of alphabet and studied English phrases in games such as "Kwach», «Hide and seek», ball games.