Lab of Plans

План уроку англійської мови в 7-Б класі (21.02.12)

Тема: «Плани на майбутнє» ( Future Intentions)
-         Навчитися вживати правильні конструкції для вираження майбутньої дії.
-         Навчитися диференціювати конструкції to be going to, will і Present Continuous for Future.
-         Розвиток навиків говоріння
-         Розвиток мовної здогадки
-         Вчити культурі спілкування в групі.
-         Виховання інтересу до виучуваної теми.

Схематичний план уроку

1.     Організаційний момент
3 хв. (9:15 – 9:18)
2.     Фонетична зарядка
4 хв. (9:18 – 9:22)
3.     Первинне ознайомлення з новим лексичним матеріалом.
3 хв. (9:22 – 9:25)
4.     Ознайомлення з новим граматичним матеріалом та його семантизація.
7-8 хв. (9:25 – 9:33)
5.     Виконання вправ на диференціацію нового граматичного матеріалу
5 хв. (9:33 – 9:38)
6.     Релаксація
3 хв. (9:38 – 9:41)
7.     Виконання вправ на закріплення нового матеріалу.
3 хв. (9:41 – 9:44)
8.     Робота в парах
(створення діалогічних єдностей)
6 хв. (9:44 – 9:50)
9.     Підведення підсумків уроку. Окреслення завдання домому.
5 хв. (9:50 – 9:55)

Хід уроку

1. Організаційний момент
Мета: привітання з учнями, повідомлення завдань уроку.
Прийом: активне слухання. Відповіді на запитання
T: Hello, dear pupils, how are you today? Do you feel like learning English now? Who will remind me of what we were doing at the previous lesson?
P: We learnt some patterns to express our future hopes and wishes.
T: So, we learnt all the patterns and today I have brought a table in where the difference btw the patterns are shown.
Pattern + V + ing
Pattern +  to + V
I’m looking forward to doing something
I want to do something

I enjoy doing something
I’d like to do something
I’m thinking of doing something
I hope to do something
I love doing something
I love to do something

I’d love to do something

Hellen, could you help me to hand out the sheets? So, as you see it in here, some patterns require the verb in infinitive and some require the verb + ing. These tables you should glue into your exercise books, and whenever you need them, use them.
And now it is time to inform you about what we are going to do today. Today we are going to speak about our Future Intentions.
2.     Фонетична зарядка
Мета: налаштувати вестибулярний апарат на іншомовну вимову.
Прийом: пісня (There was an Old lady, Who Swallowed a Fly)
There was an Old Lady

There was an old lady who swallowed a fly
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - perhaps she'll die!
There was an old lady, who swallowed a spider,
That wriggled and wiggled and giggled inside her;
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!
There was an old lady who swallowed a bird;
How absurd to swallow a bird.
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!
There was an old lady who swallowed a cat;
Fancy that to swallow a cat!
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird,
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!
There was an old lady that swallowed a dog;
What a hog, to swallow a dog;
She swallowed the dog to catch the cat,
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird,
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!
There was an old lady, who swallowed a cow,
I don't know how she swallowed a cow;
She swallowed the cow to catch the dog,
She swallowed the dog to catch the cat,
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird,
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!
There was an old lady who swallowed a horse...
She's dead, of course!

3.     Первинне ознайомлення з новим лексичним матеріалом.
Мета: формування мовної здогадки
Прийом: співвіднесення візуальних малюнків та словесного опису
T: Let’s open Student’s Books at page 40. Here you can see ex. 1. Let’s match the photos and sentences. As you can see all the sentences in ex.1 express Future Intentions. But what patterns are used?
4.     Ознайомлення з новим граматичним матеріалом та його семантизація.
Мета:  навчитися розрізняти конструкції на вираження майбутніх дій.
Прийом: зачитування таблиці.
T: As you have got the tables it is time to get to understand what is written in here.
 Will (Future Simple)
You decide at the moment of speaking.
-          What will you choose?
-          I will choose a glass of water
To be going to do smth.
You have decided before the moment of speaking.
-          What for do you need so much money?
-          I’m going to buy a new house
Be doing smth (Present Continuous)
You will do smth in the nearest future.
-          What are you doing tonight?
-          I’m going out
5.     Виконання вправ на диференціацію нового граматичного матеріалу
Мета: навчитися розрізнювати контекст вживання кожної нової конструкції
Прийом: усне виконання вправ з підручника
T: Now we are going to practice a bit our skills in what we have just learnt. In order to do the job, let us do ex. 1 at page 41,
ex. 8 page 30 (Workbook without key)
6.     Релаксація
Мета: відпочити від рутинного виконання вправ.
Прийом: фізична зарядка
T: as you probably got tired, let us do some exercises to relax a bit. Stand up, everybody. Hands up, hands down, sit down, stand up. Shake your hands.
-          Teddy bear, Teddy bear, touch your nose
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, touch your toes
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, reach the ground
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn around
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn around
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, reach the ground
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, reach up high
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, wink one eye
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, slap your knees
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, sit down, please
7.     Виконання вправ на закріплення нового матеріалу.
Мета: удосконалити навички використання нового граматичного матеріалу
Прийом: виконання вправ з підручника.
T: let us now do exercise 9 page 30. Let’s look at the pictures and decide what is going to happen.
8.     Робота в парах
(створення діалогічних єдностей)
Мета: розвинути навички діалогічного мовлення
Прийом: запитання відповідь (режим учень-учень)
T: Time flies; let’s practice a bit our skills in composing dialogues. You are going to work in pairs asking and answering. Open your Student’s Books at page 41(ex.4)  
9.     Підведення підсумків уроку. Окреслення завдання домому.
Мета: розставити акценти на найговнішому, що було вивчено на уроці; повідомлення домашнього завдання.
Прийом: монолог вчителя
T: So, today we were learning how to express our Future Intentions. You learnt the three forms of doing that: will, to be going to, be doing something. The home work for the next lesson is to learn the table I gave you, to do exercise 3, page 41 in your Student’s books; exercise 11, page 31 in your Workbooks. Thank you for the lesson, see you the next time!
added - 
Molly Malone

- Out of class activity

Тема: «Підведення підсумків» “We are through”
Практична: Повторити та остаточно закріпити лексичний та граматичний матеріал, вивчений під час педагогічної практики;
Виховна: виховувати культуру спілкування в класі;
Розвиваюча: розвивати навички логічно мислити, розвивати навички командної гри;
Технічне оснащення: ноутбук з аудіо та відео записами на фонетичну зарядку,
Роздатковий матеріал: кросворд

Хід уроку

1.     Організаційний момент
Мета: привітання з учнями, повідомлення завдань уроку.
Прийом: активне слухання. Відповіді на запитання
T: Good morning, pupils. How are you feeling today? We have not met yesterday, who could tell me a few words about yesterday? So, you had a lot of fun! Probably, it is time to say a few words about today’s lesson. Today we are not having a usual lesson. Today we are not going to do any kind of a boring job, like for example: learning new grammar rules, reading long not interesting texts and other boring things. For today I have prepared some supposedly cool and interesting activities for you, with the help of which we are going to sum up and recollect (підсумуємо й ще раз пригадаємо) all the things we learnt during the period I was your teacher. (in the game way)!!!
2.     Вгадай слово (guess the word)
Мета: повторити активний та пасивний вокабуляр.
Прийом: Back to the board
T: now I need the class to be divided into two teams. One member from the team stands his back to the blackboard, I write down the word which the one should not see. Other members of the team try to explain the word written on the blackboard with the help of other words but for this. When he or she guesses the word, he sits down and invites other members to participate. Let us start with team A. for each word guessed you will get a point. But you are not allowed to spend more than a minute fir each word. Ready, Steady, Go!!
Cheese, meat, fruit, hot dog, French fries, sandwich, coffee, chicken, salad, pizza, onion.
So did you like it? Let us calculate the points.
3.     Хрестики нулики! (Noughts and Crosses)
Мета: повторити конструкції на вираження планів на майбутнє.
T: now in order to recollect the constructions which help us show the future intentions, we are going to play Noughts and Crosses (Хрестики нулики!)
I am looking forward to
I want
I hope
I enjoy
I’d like
I’d love
I’m thinking of
I love
I like
The teams are the same. You choose the window, translate what is here and compose a sentence. If the sentence is correct, you put a cross or a zero in the window. The team who make the whole line, win.
Let’s calculate the points.
4.     Музична пауза (Musical Pause)
Мета: повторити раніше вивчену пісню. Зробити перерву в змаганнях.
T: After the two rounds it is probably time to make a pause, and sing a well known for us song about the old lady who swallowed a fly.
There was an Old Lady

There was an old lady who swallowed a fly
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - perhaps she'll die!
There was an old lady, who swallowed a spider,
That wriggled and wiggled and giggled inside her;
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!
There was an old lady who swallowed a bird;
How absurd to swallow a bird.
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!
There was an old lady who swallowed a cat;
Fancy that to swallow a cat!
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird,
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!
There was an old lady that swallowed a dog;
What a hog, to swallow a dog;
She swallowed the dog to catch the cat,
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird,
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!
There was an old lady, who swallowed a cow,
I don't know how she swallowed a cow;
She swallowed the cow to catch the dog,
She swallowed the dog to catch the cat,
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird,
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!
There was an old lady who swallowed a horse...
She's dead, of course!
OK, and we continue!
5.     Складання слів
Мета: Активація пасивного словникового запасу.
Прийом: «розбір слова на слова»

T: On the blackboard you can see the word Ancient. Your task is to make up as many words from this word as it is possible. Three minutes for the task! Steady, ready, go!!!
So, how many words have you made?
Team A?
Team B?
You see how clever you are!!!
6.     Кросворд
Мета: розвивати  мислення школярів.
T: Now, at the end of the lesson, we are to do a crossword. On the sheets of paper I am going to hand out, you have the words already written, but this is a mirror reflection. (You should read from the end.) When you get to know what the words are, input them into the crossword. (Every word could be input only into the definite place, taking to account the number of letters it contains) when all the words are input, you will still need one letter, which is the first letter of my nameJ When the work is done, you are to continue the sentence given below.
All the pupils who study in form 7-B are very …
7.     Заключна частина
Мета: підвести підсумки позакласного заходу.
T: The lesson is coming to its end. I hope you enjoyed it greatly. The time has come to name the winner of today’s competition. Thank you very much. You are free nowJ

There was an old lady

План-конспект уроку англійської мови
Тема: shopping
Підтема: Clothes for every season
Мета уроку: формування лексичних навиків: введення і первинна автоматизація нового лексичного матеріалу,
Лексичні одиниці:
Do you have any …– у вас є…?
What would you propose me? – що ви мені запропонуєте?
I would like to try it on – я хотів би приміряти
Would you show me that… - а ви покажете мені той…
Does it fit me? – мені личить?
It doesn’t fit me – мені не личить
How much is that? – скільки це коштує?
How much does it/that cost? - скільки це коштує?
What colours do you have? – а які є кольори?
Is it warm enough? – а воно достатньо тепле?
It costs 50 $ - це коштує 50 $
It costs 50 £ - це коштує 50 фунтів
Change – здача
That is too much for me? – це занадто дорого для мене
This is right the thing! – саме те що я хотів
Цілі уроку.
 • Введення і первинна автоматизація лексичних одиниць;
 • Навчання зорієнтуватися в умовах магазину одягу;
 • Розвиток відчуття мови на основі позамовних підказок і контексту;
 • Розвиток мовної здогадки;
 • Розвиток навиків аудіювання і говоріння.
 • Вчити культурі спілкування в групі;
 • Виховання інтересу до вивчення теми.
 • Виховання самостійності і особистої відповідальності.
 Тип уроку: урок формування мовних навиків.

Хід уроку
I.             Організаційний момент
Teacher: hello, dear students! Are not you bored because of the constant freezing conditions outside? At the beginning of the winter snow and cold seemed not to come at all, but now we but now they both are getting their positions back. It is really unbearable behind the window. What do you think about the weather outside? Do you like it?
II.          Фізкульт. хвилинка
And I would like to ask you – are not you cold in here? Perhaps it is time to get warmer? Ok stand up everybody! Listen to me and repeat after me my gestures. Ok? Let’s go!!
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, touch your nose
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, touch your toes
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, reach the ground
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn around
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn around
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, reach the ground
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, reach up high
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, wink one eye
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, slap your knees
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, sit down, please

III. Перевірка домашнього завдання
-         Good, are you cold now? At the last lesson we were speaking about different kinds of food. At home you had to prepare a speech about your big shopping day. And now I would like you to present the works you prepared at home.

IV. Фонетична зарядка
-         In order to make our tongues and lips work, we will sing a popular Irish song which is called “Molly Melone” Let’s read the new words previously.
-         Fever – гарячка
-         Ghost - привид
-         To wheel - котити
-         Barrow - візок
-         Cockleмолюск
-         Mussel – мідія
Now the lyrics.
-         In Dublin's fair city
-         Where the girls are so pretty
-         I first set my eyes on sweet Molly Malone
-         As she wheeled her wheel barrow
-         Through the streets broad and narrow
-         Crying 'Cockles and mussels alive, alive ho'
-         She was a fishmonger
-         And sure it was no wonder
-         For so were her father and mother before
-         And they wheeled their barrows
-         Through the streets broad and narrow
-         Crying 'Cockles and mussels alive, alive ho'
-         She died of a fever
-         And no one could save her
-         And that was the end of sweet Molly Malone
-         Now her ghost wheels her barrow
-         Through the streets broad and narrow
-         Crying 'Cockles and mussels alive, alive ho'
-         And now sing together.

V.                Повідомлення теми уроку
At this lesson we will continue to speak about the great thing – shopping! But we’ll pay our attention not to food as we did it previously, but about clothes for every season and about the shops we can buy the clothes at.

     VI. Робота в групах (what clothes to use for the season?)

-         As we have four seasons a year, and the weather changes greatly from season to season, it is really important to know and to understand what clothes to choose for every season. I want you to work in pairs and discuss for two minutes what clothes should be worn in a definite season.
-         Winter
-         Spring
-         Summer
-         Autumn

VII.     Семантизація  нових лексичних одиниць
-          It is good when the clothes we need for the season are already in our wardrobes, but if we need to go to the shop, it is important to be ready to apply to the shop assistant.
-         We are going to learn some set word expressions, which we can use at the shop.
-         Open your vocabularies and write them down

Do you have any …– у вас є…?
What would you propose me? – що ви мені запропонуєте?
I would like to try it on – я хотів би приміряти
Would you show me that… - а ви покажете мені той…
Does it fit me? – мені личить?
It doesn’t fit me – мені не личить
How much is that? – скільки це поштує?
How much does it/that cost? - скільки це поштує?
What colours do you have? – а які є кольори?
Is it warm enough? – а воно достатньо тепле?
It costs 50 $ - це коштує 50 $
It costs 50 £ - це коштує 50 фунтів
Change – здача
That is too much for me? – це занадто дорого для мене
This is right the thing! – саме те що я хотів

VIII.  Не підготоване мовлення
Now I would like you to act out the conversations without any preparation. Take your vocabularies with you. You will choose either the role of the seller or of the customer, I will play another role.

IX.        Гра 
As we have got tired a bit let’s play a game. Would you like to play a game? The game is called “Simon says” I will be a leader. Everybody please stand up. If you hear the words “Simon says” you should do what I say. If you do not hear the words “Simon says” but I say you something, do not react! The one, who fails, falls out. Let’s start.

X.          Заключний етап
Learn the new words. In pairs prepare dialogues “ At the clothes shop”
You can bring some clothes or draw or print the pictures of the clothes for us to see that you are really at the shop. Also you should have some money to pay. Cut the money from paper and write some numbers on them. These should be dollars and pounds.
The lesson is over, you are free, have a nice day!

Future - telling (викачати презентацію)

T: now we are going to have some fun. For this I want you to take your exercise books, open them and write down today’s date, class work. Then write:
-         The first name of your favourite movie star - male or female but of the opposite gender to yourselves
-         Your favourite fruit
-         A number between 1 – 10
-         The names of vegetables - the same number of vegetables as the number given above
-         A job you don't like
-         Your favourite job you would like to do
-         A description of your dream house e.g. by the sea, in the mountains - using adjectives to describe this place
-         Finally, you describe what country you would really like to live in.
Simply write the numbers and the needed words. Now exchange your copybooks with your neighbour.

My future husband’s (wife’s) name is (1). Our future surname is (2). We will have (3) children: (4). My future profession is (5). My husband’s (wife’s) future profession is (6). Our house will be (7). We will live in (8).

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